Senior Quotes for You!

Senior Quotes for You!

Senior quotes were due last month, which means that this year’s juniors have less than a year to brainstorm a list of creative quips to be emblazoned beneath their eternal portraits. The stress of this daunting feat has prompted our intrepid team of journalists at the Near True News to curate a compilation of possible quotes. We hope that these ideas might spark some undiscovered genius in yourself. 

  • During my school year, I was taught to fight fire with fire (except when Mrs. Miller’s class pet cow knocked over that lantern, then fight fire with numerous fire blankets).
  • I have acquired many things in high school: knowledge, empathy, and all the toilet seats from the men’s bathroom next to room 276.
  • Modesty is a strong life skill, one I think I utilize better than anyone else.
  • One of the most fun things at New Trier was sniffing all the people as they walked past my supply closet. Particularly you, Michael.
  • It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me sad, it made me die. Goodbye.
  • My time in the classrooms of New Trier was excellent. It was almost as grand as my time living in the walls.